דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד
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By: Jacky Levy illustrations: Emy Sfard

Sweet Aleph-Bet is a story within a story. It is the tale of Gal and her father, Ruhama the kindergarten teacher, and the children she teaches – and also the account of sweet Raphael the Sage, who lived many years ago in a faraway land. The honey-tasting aleph-bet connects the past to the present, Gal and Grandpa Raphael.

Age Group:

“A person only learns from a place his heart desires” (Talmud Bavli, Avoda Zara tractate, 19a)

Children’s first encounter with the alphabet is an important milestone in their development, and an indication that they are reaching a degree of maturity. The ability to read and write makes vast worlds accessible to a people, and allows them to acquire knowledge, whilst gaining a better understanding of themselves and their reality.

Throughout the generations, children’s first encounter with the Hebrew alphabet was celebrated in many places. Such festiveness turns learning into a positive and joyful experience to be remembered by children for many a year. Traditions varied depending on communities’ countries of origin, but all sought to emphasize the sweet taste of study.

Book-Related Video Films in the footsteps of the story

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